Nostalgia in the Periphery with Joey Ayoub

In this episode, I am resharing a discussion we have recorded for Joey Ayoub’s Fire These Times podcast. We will be talking about the Nostalgia in the Periphery project that we have launched recently and I will have the opportunity to talk about my own short story TipiTip.

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Efe Levent
Threads of Life with Ana Sekulić

In this episode we will be in conversation with Ana Sekulić to talk about her new article Threads of Life. Our conversation mostly revolves around the reconciliation of academic work with personal experience. We explore the opportunities and restrictions of scholarly work when it comes to dealing with complex issues like family history.

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Efe Levent
Bawer Murmur ile Yas üzerine

Bugünkü konuğumuz 'in kurucularından Bawer Murmur. Bawer ile geçtiğimiz sene Velevele için Türkçe olarak kaleme almış olduğu ve geçtiğimiz ay Mangal Media da İngilizce olarak yayınlanan Ölüm Yas ve Keşkeler adlı yazısını konuşcaz. Yazının yanı sıra toplumsal mücadelelerde kesişimselliğin önemi ve editörlüğün incelikleri hakkında da sohbet edicez. Bawer'in yazısını Mangal Media'da Mourning While Queer: on Death, Grief and Regrets başlığı altında okuyabilirsiniz.

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Efe Levent
Recreating Filipino recipes in Istanbul

In this episode we are joined by our regular contributor Robin Asbury, to talk about her article Recreating Filipino Recipes in Istanbul. We will be talking about the openness of Filipino cuisine to fusion, in comparison to the conservative obsessiveness of the Turkish Cuisine. Those living in Istanbul stay tuned until the end of the conversation where we will be talking about some of our favourite Asian and Middle Eastern restaurants that have opened in Istanbul recently. 

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Efe Levent
Hong Kong in Context with Lausan

In this episode I am joined by Vincent Wong, member of Lausan. A collective of grassroots activists and writers from hong kong, who are sharing decolonial left perspectives. Our conversation started out as an elaboration of Hong Kong's unique political spectrum and as it often does in this podcast, branched out into unexpected directions.

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Efe Levent
Chants of the Arab Spring

In this episode I am joined by Joey Ayoub to talk about an upcoming article he is writing about the political chants of the Arab spring. Since the article is currently under development, I am just as excited to hear about it as you are. Or at least I hope you are. Be warned that this episode may contain some swearing.

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Efe Levent
Dune Evliliğimi Yok Edecek mi?

Bugünkü konuğumuz İlker Hepkanerle yazmış olduğu Dune Evliliğimi Yok edecek mi isimli yazıyı konuşuyoruz. Ana akım sinema ve edebiyatın şarkiyatçılık probleminin yanı sıra zevkeler ver renkelerin tartışılmaması gerektiğine yönelik kuralları sorguya açıyoruz. İyi dinlemeler!

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Efe Levent
Arab encounters with Maoist China

Today's guest is Mohammed Al-Sudairi. A researcher in History and Political Science. We will be talking about his recent article in Third World Quarterly: Arab encounters with Maoist China: Transnational journeys, diasporic lives and intellectual discourses.

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Efe Levent
Afgan Mülteciler neden kaçıyorlar

Bugünkü konuğum Afganistan konusunda yoğun olarak çalışan gazeteci Enise Malbat. Enise ile son dönemlerde gündemde olan Afgan mültecileri konuşuyoruz. Ayrıca Afganistan'da Amerikanın çekilmesiyle oluşan boşluğu ve ülkenin içinde bulunduğu durumu tarihsel bağlamla birlikte ele alıyoruz.

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Efe Levent
Guide to Every City Excerpt- Her Şehir Rehberi Alıntı

In this episode, Efe Levent will be reading an excerpt from Guide to Every City. A guide for a fictional city inhabited by insects, written by him and illustrated by Alaa Alhassoun. The book is available from the Mangal Medıa online store and from Amazon.

Bu bölümde Efe Levent kendi yazdığı ve Alaa Alhassoun tarafından resimlendirilen Her Şehir Rehberi adlı kitaptan bir alıntı okuyacak. Kitabı okumak isteyen dinleyiciler Mangal Media’nın online dükkanından veya amazondan satın alabilirler.

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Efe Levent